Author: Mark

On Tap: Elopements

Just yesterday, I posted my first elopement video (You can watch “Matt & Melissa” in the gallery on the main page). I’ve really been looking forward to covering an elopement since I started making these videos. They happen often in Tofino, and I was excited to see one first-hand. I picked the song “Just You”

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Brandon, Kristy and friends

After putting the finishing touches on the DVD for Brandon and Kristy’s wedding, I thought it was about time I wrote a blog post again. Brandon and Kristy’s wedding is the reason wedding videos exist. Sure, it was a wedding in a beautiful place between two beautiful people, but in a way it was the

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On Memorable Speeches, and not forgetting them!

The other day my brother Nate asked me to post the full version of his best-man speech that he gave at our oldest brother Mike’s wedding reception. I’ve included it below. Sure, it’s long, about 10 minutes, and maybe his humour can be offensive, but there is no doubt that his speech stole the show

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Free Wedding Video!!

So you may have noticed that the video on my homepage is not, in fact, On the Beach (That one was shot last summer in Ottawa). I’m really looking to rectify this problem, so much in fact that I am offering to make a video of someone’s special day for free! If you or someone

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First Post!

Hello! Welcome to On The Beach and my very first blog post! How are you? I’m excited, personally. I’m looking forward to sharing all of the awesome stuff I’ve gotten up to since being in Tofino, as well as sharing some stories from my experiences covering your weddings this summer. Check back soon! In the

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